Teachers & Mentors

I am deeply grateful for teachings that have shaped the programs on offer today. Special thanks for the families; my own, plus all those who have shared and continue to trust me with their struggles and care.

I am humbled by the countless mentors and incredible opportunities that came my way at a time when it seemed impossible for me to take advantage of such learning experiences. These profound teachings and teachers, blending ancient wisdom with modern methods, enable me to offer personalized care that aligns with the realities of contemporary life.

I am inspired to provide practical solutions crafted for people dealing with the challenges in their every day.

Solutions have to be real and doable, customized, sustainable and mean something.

Thank you to every teacher, both seen and unseen, for nurturing this impactful evolution.

Real solutions for what is ailing the real people, right now...Let's get it.

Learning is forever. ❤️

Lactation, Breastfeeding and

Feeding Assessment Consultation

Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLC, RLC

Founder of Luna Lactation

Melissa is not just a mentor and colleague; she's a compassionate teacher and a dedicated professional. As a board-certified lactation consultant, neonatal oral-motor assessment expert, and clinical herbalist, she brings a wealth of knowledge to her practice. Melissa is deeply passionate about providing holistic lactation support and enhancing clinical lactation skills for healthcare professionals. Her commitment to research and collaboration with professional associations is invaluable. I am genuinely thankful for her mentorship and look forward to our continued work together.

Gini Baker, RN, MPH, IBCLE

Gini, with over 35 years of experience in the world of lactation and healthcare, is currently shaping the future of lactation education as she develops and manages the Clinical Lactation program for Arizona State University's Academy of Lactation Programs, pioneering cutting-edge lactation education courses that are reshaping the field. Gini's teachings gifted me the foundational knowledge in lactation education, setting me on the path towards formal training. Under her guidance, I became first a certified lactation educator and counselor through the University of California, San Diego's Lactation Education program. I wanted to be sure to know how to tell families about feeding and also learn what we are "teaching" parents, so I could help to expand it. I am excited to be doing that in bigger ways now. Thanks in part of Gini's wisdom and expertise.

Feeding, Eating, Swallowing

Suzanne Evans Morris, Ph.D.

Prefeeding and Feeding, Meal time preparation! These experiences equipped me to serve the most delicate infant and child populations. I gained extensive knowledge about diet progression (introducing solids, mastering chewing, navigating transitions), myofunctional therapy, and feeding children with special needs. Suzanne, a true trailblazer, provided valuable insights through her holistic approach. Her teachings have proved invaluable in addressing the challenges of life affected by feeding differences and disorders. Suzanne's gentle and responsive methods, allowing the baby/child/family to guide the way, have profoundly influenced my practice. Understanding the right timing and methods tailored to each family's needs are the invaluable gifts Suzanne bestowed upon my professional journey.

Marsha Dunn Klein | OTR/L, MEd, FAOTA

Marsha initiated my journey into understanding the connections between feeding, oral motor skills, and sensory development, grounding it in practical and logical approaches. In today's landscape, parents in my practice often feel overwhelmed, lacking clarity on what, when, and how to feed their babies. Many miss essential pre-feeding skills, rushing into introducing food simply because they believe "it's time." Marsha's teachings enlightened me about the gastrointestinal and sensory factors influencing feeding, especially in cases of autism and oral motor skill limitations. Her books and guidance have been invaluable, ensuring babies are truly prepared to eat and emphasizing the importance of their consent. Thank you, Marsha, for sharing this vital knowledge.

The new research on the gut and it's role in health. the microbiome and how our actions not just with food can impact it and what we an do to improve it. What we know about digestion, breastmilk composition and all the happenings...we are just getting started people! I am learning so much about this and linking it to why babies are gassy and fussy so much. More to come.

Justine Joan Sheppard, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-s( 1938-2018)

This remarkable trailblazer, educator, and speaker. I had the honor of studying and actively engaging in several of her vibrant workshops. She was a true authority in diagnosing and treating dysphagia in individuals with developmental disabilities and intellectual challenges. Handling the complexities of care and management, especially in pediatric cases and those with multifaceted differences, posed significant challenges in achieving and sustaining balanced and optimal health. Her teachings on the Dysphagia Disorder Summary and methods to enhance assessments in diverse populations profoundly improved comprehension and care consistency. Rest in peace, Dr. Shepard. Your invaluable contributions are deeply appreciated.

Joan Arvedson, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

I've gleaned wisdom from this innovator in infant and child feeding, thanks to her collaborations with some of my other teachers. She championed the concept of nurturing the "whole child," emphasizing functional skills and adopting a family-centered approach long before it became a recognized practice. Dr. Arvedson taught me the importance of keenly observing caregivers, parents, and healthcare providers, fostering collaborative teamwork to ensure the best outcomes for children and their families. Her evidence-based insights have equipped all of us with invaluable tools for immediate use.

Speech Language Pathology

Dysphagia and Oral Motor Function

Jerilyn A. “Jeri” Logemann


Jerylin (Jeri) Logemann, ASHA's president in 1994 and 2000, and a globally recognized researcher in speech-language pathology, emerged as one of the field's most influential figures. A prolific scholar, authoring groundbreaking books, journal articles, and workshops, conferences, and seminars on voice disorders management, normal swallowing physiology, speech and swallowing assessment and treatment in patients with head and neck cancer and neurological impairments.

A trailblazer in effective assessment and treatment techniques for speech and swallowing disorders, she, in collaboration with Hilda Fisher, developed the Fisher-Logemann Test of Articulation Competence and pioneered the modified barium swallow test.

I had the privilege of attending Dr. Logemann (the foremost expert in swallowing disorders) in-person sessions on multiple occasions. Engaging in dialog, and having discussions with her significantly enhanced my understandings of functional testing and treatments related to dysphagia in both pediatric and adult populations.

Pam Marshalla, MA, CCC-SLP


The author of numerous best-selling books, lectures, and educational materials focusing on apraxia, motor speech (oral-motor), and articulation therapy. Recognized as a "clinician's clinician," her practical books and seminars seamlessly blended research findings with clinical expertise.

Pam served as the founder and co-chair of the Oral Motor Institute and was a passionate advocate for oral myology.

She was not only an inspiring clinician, lecturer, and writer but also a brilliant therapist. I had the privilege of learning directly from Pam during multiple workshops and clinic demonstrations. At a time when few dared to use the term "Apraxia," she championed robust treatments. Her emphasis on oral motor therapy and effective tools left an indelible impact on many. I know that the families I have treated throughout the years have benefitted from many of the techniques i have adopted or adapted as my own. I think of her especially when cleaning the mouth tools and toys. Her jokes about that always made me laugh. ❤️

Bodywork Massage Therapeutic Touch, Oral Motor

Laura Norman

Laura Norman, acclaimed as the "Reflexologist To The Stars," has penned several insightful books and developed specialized programs in the realm of reflexology. Her expertise shines in holistic reflexology, with specialty focus on preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum care for mothers and babies. Under Laura's guidance, I delved into the intricate world of whole-body and system reflexology throughout the lifespan particularly for newborns and new parents. Studying with Laura and Sandy, both exceptional instructors deeply versed in the ancient art and science of Reflexology, has significantly deepened my understanding of expanded health and wellbeing. Their teachings continue to inspire my practice as I keeping learning and developing these modalities during integrative bodywork treatment sessions.

Dr John E. Upledger DO, OMM


Dr. John Upledger, acknowledged as one of the 'Next wave of innovators' by Time Magazine in 2000, pioneered Craniosacral Therapy (CST) as an osteopathic physician. His groundbreaking work laid the foundation for CST treatments and training. I had the privilege of meeting him during my graduate studies and initial clinic work in Florida, where the Upledger Institute is based. Although I learned CST techniques early in my speech-language pathology career, I chose to integrate this into my practice only after becoming a licensed massage therapist. The subtlety and potency of this technique continue to fascinate and inspire me. At first tho, I admit to being a HUGE skeptic. I did not even know how big a deal "Dr. John" was until many years later. I used to roll my eyes when my mentor spoke about him. I really thought it was just "made up". seriously. I have to admit this. I now have seen it help so many people and understand and work with this modality differently now. CST has been around for a long time and keeps growing! Give it a try and see for yourself.

Lori Protzman RN, BS, CHTP/I

Lori, a committed Healing Touch instructor since 2000, infuses her teaching with heartfelt passion, connecting with each student through her energy and joy for the practice. As a registered nurse and experienced administrator in perinatal and geriatric care, she brings a wealth of knowledge and compassion to her mentorship and collegial relationships. I was introduced to Healing Touch through a flyer on the hospital's continuing education board where I worked. To my amazement, Healing Touch has become an integral part of Integrative Wellness Departments in hospitals and care centers across Hawaii, a testament to Lori's love and steadfast commitment to this healing art. Healing Touch, thanks to Lori's unwavering efforts, is now recognized as a genuine treatment, with practitioners walking the halls, offering support to patients, families, and staff alike in hospitals throughout Hawaii. Lori's passion and unwavering commitment have truly transformed the landscape of healing in our community. She has been a loving and supportive mentor for many years. I have been studying and praticing with the Hawaii Healing Touch community for over 15 years. I regularly parcipate in trainings and offers these treatments for patients to experience.

Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASC

Dr. Lad is a reservoir of wisdom, embodying the ancient teachings of Ayurveda. With profound insight, he illustrates intricate life layers and our harmonious existence within them on the whiteboard at his amazing school, clinics and classrooms. He imparts knowledge about what to consume and how to move, guiding us toward practices that foster equilibrium. During these transformative week-long intensives, he graciously shared integrating a myriad of techniques using food, movement and rest to balance the systems. I am honored to learn from him Marma Chikitsa—an ancient therapy rooted in the 108 body points that serve as gateways to body, mind, and consciousness. His teachings have illuminated the path of holistic healing and harmony. He continues to teach, mentor and expand the reach of Ayurveda the world over. Looking forward to attending Pancharma Training- Ayurvedic Bodywork Certification as soon as I am able.



Mind + Body Medicine

Self Mastery

Leonard Portner, MD.

My father, my original guide in expanding traditional health and wellness practices. Trained in traditional Western medicine, he delved into the intricacies of genetics, uncovering the profound connections between our dietary choices, lifestyle, and thoughts on our overall well-being. In the late 70’s and early 80’s, he was one of the pioneering physicans fusing conventional practices with alternative and integrative medicine. Establishing the Michigan chapter of the American Holistic Medical Association while continuing work to revolutionize healthcare perspectives.

Bringing his discoveries home from his many trainings, he equipped my mom, sister and myself with a treasure trove of unconventional tools and techniques, extending beyond the boundaries of traditional approaches. Dr. Portner’s legacy encompasses “Ask The Doctor,”. Sometimes I like to call him an "OG Podcaster". On his daily nationally syndicated radio show; he fielded calls and invited influential guests, being part of the laying of the foundation for today’s integrative care in the US. His innovative methods transformed our community, the unique way he offered consultations, classes, workshops, and health fairs, foreseeing the future of holistic health education.

As my family absorbed these teachings, powerful tools were honed and brought into our everyday lives. Dr. Portner’s mission; to make health accessible to everyone, advocating for informed choices and personal empowerment. His legacy resonates in my evolving practice, where I strive to convey these profound insights in playful, understandable, and practical ways. Through these shared experiences, I aim to empower patients to take control of their health and well-being and that of their babies and family.
Happy and Healthy --He remains at 80+ years strong.

Will he will return to a podcast and share with other Octogenarians how he does it? Stay tuned.

Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson has been a leader in spiritual and progressive thought circles for over four decades. She is the author of 15 books, four #1 New York Times best sellers. Do you know the most famous quote from the mega-bestseller

A Return to Love?

I did not even know it for anything about her, incredibly until just a few years before she became one of my teachers.

, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” This is considered an anthem. Do you believe in applies to you?

This the quote that introduced me to Marianne and also how I knew that I was supposed to work with her during the strange times of COVID. It was a true miracle...I didn't even believe in miracles then!

Marianne founded Project Angel Food, a non-profit organization that has delivered more than 14 million meals to ill and dying homebound patients since 1989. The group was created to help people suffering from the ravages of HIV/AIDS. She has also worked throughout her career on poverty, anti-hunger and racial reconciliation issues. In 2004, she co-founded The Peace Alliance and supported the creation of a U.S. Department of Peace.

Marianne was twice a Democratic candidate for the President of the United States.

The Marianne Williamson Learning Center was established to make Marianne’s books, courses, and seminars available.

Julee is proud to have worked at least once a week over 18 months in personal small group sessions with Marianne. A group, made up of heart centered up and coming leaders in their respective fields.

Marianne's guidance and teachings have

expanded the ways Julee offers counsel, coaching, examples and care in our ever changing life and environmental landscape. Real solutions for these real times. These experiences have been transformational and precious.

Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASC

Vasant Lad, a revered Ayurvedic expert from India, has traversed the United States since 1979, generously sharing his profound knowledge of Ayurveda. In 1984, he established his legacy in Albuquerque as the Director, principal instructor, and founder of The Ayurvedic Institute. With degrees in both Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery, he served as the Medical Director of the Ayurveda Hospital in Pune. As a prolific author, Lad's 12 books on Ayurveda, translated into 20 languages, have impacted countless lives.

I had the honor of studying intensively under his guidance, immersing in the essence of Ayurveda and lifestyle wellness coaching profoundly shaping my understanding and lifestyle guidance. I look forward to continuing my teachings with him in Panchakarma and other Ayurvedic modalities.

Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, FRCP

Dr. Deepak Chopra, a pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation, is a true hero. He founded The Chopra Foundation and Chopra Global, merging science and spirituality seamlessly. A Clinical Professor at the University of California, San Diego, and a senior scientist with Gallup Organization, authoring over 90 books, many of them New York Times bestsellers. His 93rd book, "Living in the Light," explores the ancient Indian practice of Royal Yoga, offering a transformative path to self-realization and wholeness.

I share a unique connection with Dr. Chopra as we both learned TM around the same time. When I returned to these studies 15 years ago, Chopra's wisdom was the first to resurface. making a deep impression particularly as it blended modern science with ancient knowledge. I completed studies at the Chopra Center in San Diego and became certified in Primordial Sound Meditation. Integrating techniques like Perfect Health and Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga into my life and work, I am thrilled to be certified as a teacher, guiding others on their personal journey toward inner communication and nourishment. The Chopra Center recently blended with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I will no doubt participate in additional trainings and events.

Yogini Shambhavi

Yogini Shambhavi, a revered teacher and embodiment of profound wisdom, was introduced to me by my first yoga instructor, Shuba. A dedicated student of Shambhavi, Shuba emphasized the importance of femme power and standing up for women. Shambhavi, a renowned female yogi from India, specializes in Bhakti Yoga, Shakti Sadhana, Jyotisha, Mantra Yoga, and Ayurveda. She has been instrumental in healing my voice and has continually reminded me to assert the strength of women, a message that resonates deeply in today's challenging world. Shambhavi's teachings have anchored me in my mission to serve mothers and their children, honoring the promise I made to do better for them and speak up for care that I know to be "less than", yet to do so in a way that is kind and honors my true nature and willingness to help without being taken advantage of; which is a plight of many women. I am profoundly honored and humbled to receive her guidance. It was an immense pleasure and thrill to spend extended time with Shambhavi, VamaDeva Shastri, Shuba, her family and a small group in retreat on Kauai, where we shared profound discussions, teachings, and sacred spaces. These moments are treasures.

David Frawley aka Vamadeva Shastri

Vamadeva Shastri, also known as David Frawley, is a prolific American author, speaker, and educator, specializing in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Hinduism. With a repertoire of over 30 books and numerous accolades, he established the American Institute of Vedic Studies to preserve and disseminate these ancient wisdom traditions.

Dr. Frawley's wisdom runs deep, often revealing its profound impact over time. I had the privilege to immerse myself in his teachings during an immersive weeks-long experience and continue to attend in person and online offerings throughout the year. Simply being in the presence of such a wise and generous soul, sharing his life's passion, is an immense honor. One night when we were together on Kauai, Shuba and I took a walk with Vamadeva as he pointed out the aspects in the stars. He can read these subtle energies. the stories are super cool. Have you seen the pictures of what the James Webb telescope is sending back? Thank you, Vamadeva Shastri, for your invaluable teachings!

Esther Hicks

Esther Hicks is a renowned American author and speaker, who has gained recognition for her work on the Law of Attraction. Through books, documentaries, and seminars, she promotes the idea of manifesting desires through positive thinking and vibrational alignment with the universe, often collaborating with her late husband, Jerry Hicks.

I did not know of Esther, her book fell off the library shelf the day before I was gifted an opportunity to study at the Chopra Center. She turned out to be THE guest speaker at the same Chopra event that I was invited to by chance! Serendipity, it's a real thing. Then, when I unexpectedly ran into one of my colleagues at this course, both of us struggling to manage what we understand now is the breakdowns in our current health care industry, I knew something special was happening! Can you believe my colleague friend was called on stage and Abraham and Esther tackled these burning questions!?! They exchanged a little plan for what is going to happen sometime later! Still working the magic Esther! I am excited to see how this all comes together!

Mukta Kaur Khalsa, PhD

Mukta, the Founder and Director of SuperHealth, is a globally recognized trainer and lecturer, providing guidance to healthcare specialists, government officials, and yoga communities worldwide. With certifications in addiction counseling and mental health, Mukta is an expert in her field.

I had the privilege of working closely with Mukta during my visits to KRI over a decade. Together in 2019, with another dear colleague, we delved into the transformative practices of SuperHealth, learning elixirs, meditations, and movements aimed at supporting balanced lives and overcoming various addictions. These experiences offered insightful mind shifts, emphasizing the importance of letting go of what's not working and embracing personal transformation.

I look forward to reconnecting with Mukta soon, exploring new ways to collaborate and extend our support, particularly to women and parents.

Guru Jagat


Guru Jagat, a luminary in the world of wellness, embodied a creative spirit as an author, fashion designer, musician, chef and yogini. In 2012, I discovered the transformative power of Kundalini Yoga and began meeting teachers. Guru Jagat became my guide at the RAMA Institute. Her teachings were not just profound but also sprinkled with her unique and sometimes hilariously unconventional style.

Though Guru Jagat left us unexpectedly, her legacy of merging yoga's art and science continues to inspire. Despite differing opinions after her passing, My personal experiences over 9 years with Guru Jagat were deeply enriching. I am committed to sharing, incorporating and crafting personalized sessions that reflect her one-of-a-kind spirit. I'm dedicated to continuing her legacy, offering a unique interpretation of the teachings to benefit my clients.

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

Gurmukh, the heart and soul behind Golden Bridge Global Yoga and Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga, is a radiant beacon of wisdom and support for women, guiding them through the transformative experience of motherhood. Participating in her training was an invaluable gift, surrounded by a circle of inspiring teachers. Gurmukh's dedication to helping women embrace their true essence, especially in the sacred journey of motherhood, is uplifting and really fun. These effective techniques help new moms get "through it all". I am sp grateful for her teachings and eagerly anticipate future collaborations, particularly in easing the modern motherhood experience for both moms and babies.

It is my pleasure to offer prenatal, postnatal and mommy, baby and kiddie classes as part of upcoming series through Blue Lotus Kailua and upcoming community events.

More info to follow soon.

Krishna Kaur

Krishna Kaur, stands as a lighthouse in the realm of Kundalini Yoga in the USA. Her transformative teachings have resonated for over four decades, making her an esteemed master trainer, speaker, and founder of Y.O.G.A. for Youth. The moment you hear her voice, you'll be captivated and transported; she exudes love, grace, and a genuine desire to share her wisdom. Krishna Kaur's immense contributions, including crafting the Manual for the Women's Teachings in Kundalini Yoga, reflect her commitment to empowering women. I eagerly anticipate the day when I can experience her live sessions once again, and I'm enthusiastic about future collaborations in supporting children in our world community.

Andrew Weil

Andrew Weil, M.D., stands as a trailblazer in integrative medicine, heralding a new era in healthcare. As the founder of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, he has revolutionized medical education and healthy living. Dr. Weil's influence extends globally, showcased in his authored works, founding of The Weil Foundation, and True Food Kitchen restaurants. I had the privilege to meet him in person, engaging in enriching discussions alongside luminaries like Drs. Chopra, Frawley, and Low Dog. During an interactive summit we explored the seamless integration of holistic care into every patient interaction. Plus we got to live the teachings in an immersive week long experience at the Chopra Center University. His ongoing research on adaptogens and plant medicines inspires my continued learning in integrative healthcare and novel ways to address sustained wellness.

Tieraona Low Dog, M.D.

Dr. Low Dog, a distinguished figure in integrative medicine, herbal remedies, and women's health, possesses over three decades of profound expertise. Appointed by President Bill Clinton to the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy, she also chaired the US Pharmacopeia Dietary Supplements and Botanicals Expert Information Panel. With over 550 scientific/medical conference presentations, 40 peer-reviewed articles, and 20 chapters in medical textbooks, she stands as an acclaimed expert. Moreover, her contributions to Integrative Women’s Health, part of the Weil Integrative Medicine Library series, reflect her deep knowledge.

I find inspiration in Dr. Low Dog's integration of indigenous culture and enduring practices. Her approach fuels my continuous learning and application of plant medicines and tinctures across diverse contexts.

Nirvair Singh Khalsa

Nirvair Singh Khalsa, a respected Kundalini Yoga teacher and prolific author of 23 books and DVDs, has left an indelible mark on the yoga community. Over 22 years, he shared the transformative power of Kundalini Yoga with 275,000 students at the University of Alaska. As a co-founder of the Kundalini Research Institute, his influence reverberates far and wide.

I deeply appreciate Nirvair Singh Khalsa's gentle wisdom and clear teaching style. His detailed descriptions and organized approach in his publications have significantly enhanced home yoga practices, making Kundalini Yoga accessible to many. He was a frequent teacher and trainer in the immersive interactive courses I participated in over the decade of this intensive course of study.

Guru Sigh

Guru Singh is a third-generation yogi, master spiritual teacher, author, and musician. He teaches conscious living through the tools of Kundalini Yoga, meditation, “humanology,” and sacred sound. His teachings are inspired by Yogi Bhajan, whom he studied with for 35 years, and by his family’s deep connection to the masters of India, including Paramahansa Yogananda. Guru Singh teaches a practical fusion of Eastern mysticism and Western pragmatism, with classes that include yoga postures, meditation, practical explanations, musical joy, and mantras. His books, music, blog posts, podcasts, and lectures uplift thousands worldwide. I enjoyed his live trainings and catch his online classes which are fantastic. Guru Singh uses humor, insight and simplicity to just make this practice super accessible to everyone.